Monday, August 24, 2009

Election Day

Goddamn. Firefights, firefights, firefights.

And then the important one. A Taliban assault on the (insert name of important population center here) polling station. Let's roll.

Staged at an ANP station, we were literally just down the road when all hell broke loose. Not just RPGs, but 107's exploding on the MSR. Holy fuck. God and St. Michael protect me.

We roll in, taking heavy fire, more than we've ever taken before, but Captain America gives his guidance. Don't shoot until you have positive ID. In other words, sit there and take fire from a woodline and don't shoot back.

ANA above me shoot. I feel the overpressure of one of his bullets on my helmet. "GODDAMMIT BRUNNER, BACK UP THE FUCKING TRUCK!"

So I scan furiously and the unluckiest motherfucker of the day makes the mistake of showing himself. I send him to his virgins.

But still, taking fire.

Goddammit, fuck this shit.

Time to turn this woodline into an open field.

I open up, and jam shortly after. Slow action, weapon doesn't cock. Easy fix. CLP dump.

And my .50 sings.

Miller drops rounds of 60mm death on the south end of the ambush while I take care of the north end. Captain America refuses to clear the Mk 19's or the TOW hot. Just M4's and machine guns.

I jam again. But not because there's something wrong with my weapon. I've actually fired so many rounds that the links are preventing my weapon from feeding.

We're just beginning to win this gunfight and we get guidance from 6. Break contact and head north. WTF?

I cover Miller and Schell as they jump back in the truck. And we run.

1 comment:

  1. You told me this whole story on the phone the other day. This is seriously well-written, but it's seriously scary stuff. But that's war for you. Please keep posting on this blog, because I can't get on Myspace very often and your blog is the only thing besides your bulletins that I get online to read. And your writer's voice is so unique and intriguing to read to begin with...
    Anyways, I'm off to bed now... ich liebe dich, te amo, j'taime, I love you.
